Plan Target: 36% percent reduction in potable water use per capita from campus baseline by 2025
“Failure to take constructive action is not an option…Water scarcity is likely to be one of the most severe consequences of population growth and climate change and Los Angeles is particularly vulnerable because of our arid climate and reliance on imported water.” – UCLA Chancellor Gene Block

Due to the dry climate and persistent droughts of Southern California, water conservation plays an important role in sustainability at UCLA. Faculty from across the university are collaborating as part of the UCLA Water Resources Group and the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge to address this critical issue for our region and our state. UCLA’s water conservation efforts have saved millions of gallons, though we still have major challenges ahead to achieve our target.
Our comprehensive approach to water conservation includes water recycling, an award winning water reclamation program, high efficiency fixtures such as ultra-low flow urinals, drought tolerant landscaping, and smart climatologically-based irrigation and drip irrigation.
The UCLA Water Taskforce, a group that includes staff and administration from Plumbing, Energy Services, Capital Programs, and the Medical Center, as well as faculty from the Engineering Department drafted the UCLA Water Action Plan in January 2014, detailing key initiatives. Now with a new target for 2025, UCLA is undertaking a comprehensive Integrated Water Management study and working closely with the LA Department of Water and Power and LA City Bureau of Sanitation to develop a path for wastewater treatment and reclaimed water at UCLA.
Planning Documents and Resources
Media and Awards
- UCLA Newsroom: On water sustainability, L.A. County earns C+ from UCLA environmental report card
- UCLA Newsroom: UCLA to assess California drinking water systems to identify risks and solutions
- UCLA Samueli: Prof’s water cleaning system could save campus thousands of gallons, dollars
- UCLA International Institute: ‘The Coming Water Crisis’: UCLA hosts U.S-Australia dialogue on water resources