It’s Time We Break Up with Plastics

By Karen Hallisey

There’s an unhealthy relationship you may be in, that’s affecting not just you, but others.

The toxic relationship we’re talking about that has gone on for too long and needs to end is the one with single-use plastics — especially when there are so many new, better, and more sustainable products out there!

Single-use plastics items are wrappers and packaging, straws and other food service ware, and bags. They are one of the most abundant (and avoidable) kinds of waste, that come with a steep environmental price.

Plastic junk used for just a moment can take hundreds of years to decompose. Bruins can help by leading the way to a plastic-free future and stopping this pressing environmental issue that threatens the health of humans, wildlife, and our natural spaces.

UCLA has already begun transitioning away from plastic bags in retail and dining locations, also removing single-use plastic foodservice items and beverage bottles. The Single Use Plastics Policy aims to eliminate single-use plastics from campus.

Individual choices to avoid single-use plastic also add up. A single swap, like purchasing a reusable water bottle, can spare the environment hundreds of plastic bottles each year.

Two more tips for ridding your life (and our campus community) of single-use plastics for good include:

· Reducing and reusing before recycling

· Applying for the Green Events and Green Office certifications

Learn more at and follow @zerowasteucla on Instagram.