UCLA has completed a Decarbonization Study, funded by the State of California, to develop and analyze strategies for a 90 percent or greater reduction in scope 1 emissions from fossil gas use in campus energy systems. The study was conducted by WSP, consultants selected by public RFQ, and advised by a Decarbonization Task Force that includes faculty experts, students, and staff operations experts from UCLA (see Task Force Membership at bottom of the page). Feedback was also collected from the broader campus community through Town Halls and circulation of a draft Executive Summary.
Based on the results of this study UCLA will now engage in developing an updated Climate Action Plan by the end of 2025. The Task Force will expand to address all scopes of emissions. This site will provide updates and opportunities for engagement during Climate Action Planning. If you have any questions about the study please contact: sustainability@ucla.edu.

UCLA Decarbonization Study Final Report (PDF)
UCLA Decarbonization Study Executive Summary Only (PDF)
UCLA Decarbonization Study Appendices (PDF)
Technical Subcommittee members are indicated with an asterisk * before their names.
*Nurit Katz, Chief Sustainability Officer, Sustainability (Study Contact and Co-Chair)
*Charles Turner, Executive Director, Financial and Organizational Services (Study Contact and Co-Chair)
Alexander Andriatis, PhD Candidate, Scripps Institute, UCSD (UC Green New Deal)
Alexander Nguyen, graduate student, Bonnie Reiss Climate Action Fellow (Health)
Alison Hewitt, Writer, Senior Media Relations Officer, Strategic Communications
Angel More, undergraduate student, Bonnie Reiss Climate Action Fellow
*Ara Aroyan, Director, Construction Management Services, Capital Programs
Ariella Gaughan, undergraduate student, USAC Sustainability Director 22-23
*Arturo Sanchez, Administrative Director of Health System Environmental Services & Sustainability, Health System
*Ashley Rogers, Assistant Director, Environmental Planning, Capital Programs
*Bonny Bentzin, Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer, Sustainability
Cara Horowitz, Executive Director, Emmett Institute on Climate Change and Environment
*Carl Newth, Director, Engineering Services, Capital Programs
Carrie Bearden, Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences & Psychology
Curtis Plotkin, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Environment, Health, and Safety
Dave Karwaski, Director, Mobility Planning and Traffic Systems, Events and Transportation
Deepak Rajagopal, Professor, Urban Planning and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (appointed by Academic Senate)
Elizabeth Ashforth, Director of Student Research, Interim I-Track Department Chair, Geffen Academy
Eric Fournier, Research Director, California Center for Sustainable Communities
Gaurav Sant, Professor, Engineering, Director, Institute for Carbon Management (appointed by Academic Senate)
Gregory Pierce, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Co-Director, Luskin Center for Innovation
Jared Meyer, Senior Director, Housing Maintenance, Housing and Hospitality
John Carpenter, Energy Manager, Health System
Julia Wu, undergraduate student, Bonnie Reiss Climate Action Fellow
Kayla Shirey, Assistant Athletics Director, Event Operations, Athletics
Kelli Walters, Staff Assembly Representative, Sustainability Committee
Kira Fish, Graduate Student Researcher in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
*Kelly Schmader, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Facilities Management
*Kurt Alexander, Director, Health System Facilities, Health System
Kyle Nelson, postdoctoral fellow, UCLA/VA COE on Veteran Resilience and Recovery, Semel Institute
Leo Dong, undergraduate student, Co-President, Ecology, Economy, Equity (E3)
Liz Kennedy, Director of Fair Labor and Sustainability, ASUCLA
Michael Cahn, Lecturer, History Department
Naren Ramesh, undergraduate student, Bonnie Reiss Climate Action Fellow (Health)
Nicholas Tinoco, PhD student, Sociology
*Norm Lantz, Senior Director, General Services, Health System
Peter Angelis, Associate Vice Chancellor, Housing and Hospitality
*Peter Hendrickson, Associate Vice Chancellor, Design and Construction and Campus Architect
Professor Rebecca Emigh (UC Green New Deal/UCLA Climate Action Network)
Rey Soto, Public Health, Chair, Green IT Task Force
Samantha Smithies, undergraduate student, Bonnie Reiss Climate Action Fellow
Sandra Chang, Commodity Manager, Purchasing
*Sean Wilder, Director, Energy Systems, Facilities Management
Susan Ransome, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, David Geffen School of Medicine
Todd Lynch, Principal Project Planner, Capital Programs