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Networking 101 In A New Virtual Age (ESN x ES Alumni Association Collab)
December 1, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
The zoom link is here: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96092386413?pwd=UFd2Rm1lZ1Y1bEwxSE1jUWlSTHZwUT09
We will have some amazing guest speakers from the UCLA Environmental Science Alumni Association on the topics of networking within the space of sustainability towards a future in the field. There will also be time for socializing and networking exposure during the event.
The preliminary agenda is as follows:
15 min of socializing/intros
30 min of short presentations by Alumni on how to network and its importance which may include:
– Short introduction of Alumni and background
– How to sell yourself
– How to reach out online
– Examples from career experience
30-45 min of practice networking in controlled settings. This could take the form of speed round connections and such, but is also a time to socialize with each other!
– 2-3 person breakout rooms
– Prompting type activities
5 min closing and LinkedIn sharing