3 events found.
Realizing Park Equity: Improving How Federal Funds Reach Communities That Can Most Benefit
To expand access to parks nationwide, the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program funds green spaces in low-income, urban communities. While the program has supported important projects throughout the country, […]
Counting Carbons in our Effort for Cleaner Air in LA
OnlineEvery year, the global economy produces 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions, pushing our planet toward irreversible climate tipping points. Learn how LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN) is leading […]
Elemental Cartographies in an Era of Climate Change
Charles E. Young Research Library, Presentation Room 11348 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los AngelesIn this talk, Candace Fujikane begins with arguments from her recent book, Mapping Abundance for a Planetary Future: Kanaka Maoli and Critical Settler Cartographies in HawaiĘ»i, contending that global climate […]