Kiss the Ground Documentary Viewing
De Neve AuditoriumAttendance is free and open to all UCLA students. Free vegan snacks (ft. GOMacro & Lesser Evil) & a sustainable items giveaway The screening is hosted by Sustainagoals, the committee within USAC’s Facilities Commission advancing sustainability on the hill and campus.
Climate Conversations: Pathways to Action – Methane
OnlineMethane accounts for around 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, behind only carbon dioxide. As methane is both more potent and shorter-lived than carbon dioxide, near-term efforts to reduce emissions of methane could slow the increase in global temperature in the next few decades. Rebecca Leber (Vox) will moderate a conversation between Fiji George (Cheniere […]
Environmental Justice and Community Organizing with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)
Room 4357 Public Affairs Building 337 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesAsian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) is an environmental justice organization with deep roots in California’s Asian immigrant and refugee communities. Since 1993, APEN has built a membership base of Laotian refugees in Richmond and Chinese immigrants in Oakland. Together, they’ve fought and won campaigns to make our communities healthier, just places where people can thrive. […]
The Settler Sea: California’s Salton Sea and the Environmental Consequences of Colonialism
OnlineThis talk presents a view of the Salton Sea and its surrounding Sonoran Desert ecosystem that destabilizes hegemonic, settler colonial perspectives on the sea and the desert, exploring the ways that different kinds of human communities have encountered and made meaning out of this complex place. Ultimately, this story of sea, desert, and people is […]
Taxonomic and functional diversity of xeric alpine plant communities in a changing climate
OnlineKaleb Goff, PhD Student, North Carolina State University and 2022 WMRC Mini Grant recipient Kaleb will discuss findings that demonstrate climate change’s affects on plant diversity and functionality within the xeric alpine ecosystems of the White Mountains, California. His work is also in collaboration with GLORIA Great Basin, which has been monitoring plant communities in […]
Environmental Justice Series at the IoES Event #2
UCLA Mildred E Mathias Botanical Garden, La Kretz Garden Pavilion 707 Tiverton Dr, Los Angeles, CAREGISTER HERE Cynthia Babich Executive Director of the Del Amo Action Committee Cynthia Babich serves as the Executive Director of the Del Amo Action Committee. The DAAC is a grassroots community-based environmental justice organization concerned about DDT contamination and related health problems in the unincorporated Los Angeles Harbor Gateway neighborhood. The Del Amo area includes […]
Explore the L.A. Zoo with Family Nature Club
Griffith Park (below Old Zoo trail) 5400 Griffith Park Dr, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesFamily Nature Club is back! Join the Los Angeles Zoo for FREE nature play on the last Saturday of every month, from 9AM to 10:30AM. Family Nature Club participants will spend the morning enjoying loosely structured outdoor play – exploring nature through art and building, observation and imagination. Families, caregivers, and children of all ages […]
Stepping Toward Sustainability
OnlineHave you heard about the food-waste program that LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN) just rolled out to households they serve? Join the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance to learn about the new food-waste program, and then for a conversation with Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky. REGISTER HERE James Roska, acting environmental engineer with LASAN, and Daniel […]
Elizabeth DeLoughrey at the Counterforce Salon
Experimental Digital Arts, UCLA Broad Art Center 240 Charles E. Young Dr. N, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesSalon #5: Dr. Elizabeth DeLoughrey and Rebeca Méndez This fifth and final lecture in the series will feature Prof. Rebeca Méndez, the Chair of the Department of Design Media Arts and director of the Counterforce Lab, in conversation with Dr. Elizabeth DeLoughrey, Professor in the English Department and the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability […]
Beyond The Pail: A Virtual Organics Recycling Town Hall
OnlineJoin LA City Councilmember Nithya Raman on Monday, February 27th, from 6pm-7:30pm via Zoom for a virtual town hall. Learn more about the organics recycling process, and what the new requirements for food scraps and food-soiled paper are. Hear from local climate organizations and experts from LA Sanitation and the California Climate Action Corps about […]
Two Years of Justice40: How the Initiative is delivering solutions to the climate crisis
OnlinePresident Biden has made addressing environmental injustices a priority by centering justice in his actions to address the climate crisis in the U.S. and abroad. A central pillar of the environmental justice agenda is the Justice40 Initiative, the first-ever federal environmental justice commitment attached to the goal of directing at least 40% of benefits to […]
Vital Matters: Jainism and Ecology
OnlineDrawing inspiration from the sacred landscapes depicted on devotional textiles presented in Visualizing Devotion: Jain Embroidered Shrine Hangings, Venu Mehta will discuss intersections of ascetic principles, spirituality and sociocentric environmentalism in the twenty-five-hundred-year-old tradition of Jainism. Highlighting nonviolence as the path to liberation, Jain principles offer an important worldview of environmental activism. REGISTER HERE This […]
GRID Talks: Going Beyond Black History with Jacqui Patterson
OnlineGRID Talks is a new webinar series that brings together leaders from the environmental justice movement to discuss issues related clean energy access and to community-centered solutions. The webinars seek to amplify the voices of GRID's communities and share the stories, experiences, and work that are creating mission impact and systemic changes. Jacqueline Patterson, MSW, […]
Under the Redwoods: A Sempervirens Fund Webinar Series – “Mycology, Redwoods, and Eugenics | Dr. Patricia Ononiwu Kaishian”
OnlineIf you want to learn how mycology can inspire us to reconcile the troubling roots of the redwood conservation movement, join mycologist and Bard College visiting professor Dr. Patricia Ononiwu Kaishian, author of A Tangled Web and Underground Allies for February’s Under the Redwoods. REGISTER HERE
Kanner Forum: “Race, Urban Heat, and the Aesthetics of Thermoception”
Kaplan Hall 193 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesJoin UCLA English for a talk featuring Hsuan Hsu, professor of English at UC Davis. Professor Hsu’s talk will consider temperature as an atmospheric medium of environmental violence and embodied sensation. Drawing on recent discussions of atmospheric racism, Professor Hsu will consider how a range of Black authors and artists have experimented with the sense […]
Martin Wachs Distinguished Lecture and Luskin Lecture with Robert Cervero on Accessibility, Social Equity, and Contemporary Policy Debates
California NanoSystems Institute 570 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesAdmission is free, but registration is required for each attendee. The number of seats is limited. REGISTER HERE Part of the Meyer and Renee Luskin Lecture Series. Robert Cervero works in the area of sustainable transportation policy and planning. He has consulted on numerous transportation and urban planning projects worldwide, most recently advising long-range planning […]
Rock Art East of the Range of Light: One Piece of a Global Puzzle
OnlineWith David Lee, Western Rock Art Research & former WMRC Staff. The Owens Valley is home to the Paiute people and their ancestors, who arrived here many thousands of years ago. This landscape is rich with traces of their lives. Most visible are the amazing and intriguing petroglyphs and pictographs, a literal history book for […]
Free Food from the Dining Halls
Conference Room 1 in the Student Activities Center Basement 220 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesBruin Dine is a program serving leftover hot food from the UCLA dining halls FREE to all UCLA students, and is also looking for volunteers to help run these events (sign up at -- UCLA email login required). If the sign-up list is full, please place your name on the waitlist; if the waitlist […]
Winter 2023 Labor Speaker Series (+ Reception) | “Refusing Death: Immigrant Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice in LA” Book Talk
Online and 10383 Bunche Hall 11282 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesJoin Nadia Y. Kim, Associate Professor at Loyola Marymount, for a conversation about her book that examines race, class, gender, and citizenship with respect to the growing social phenomenon of marginalized and unauthorized immigrants – especially women and youth. The hybrid event will be held on March 1, 2023, from 3:30-5 PM with a reception […]
Electric Vehicles: Can They Deliver on Their Promise?
OnlinePlease join the League of Women Voters of Piedmont on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. to hear Dr. Dan Sperling talk about the impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on carbon reduction in California. Learn about what it will take for EVs to make a measurable difference in greenhouse gas reduction. Register for free […]