Sustainability Office Hours
Come chat with the UCLA sustainability team about anything and everything you're curious about each third Tuesday of the month from 3-4PM. ZOOM LINK
The Necessity to Move Beyond Hydrocarbons
We are pleased to invite you to the next lecture in the UCLA Global Health and Social Medicine Grand Round Series. The DGSOM Global Health Program (GHP) and Center for Social Medicine and Humanities are partnering to host a recurring lecture series during the 2020/2021 academic year. The goal of this Grand Round Series is to bring together individuals with […]
Greenspace Town Halls and Make-A-Thon
This webinar will outline the Greenspace Sustainability Design Make-A-Thon & Town Halls project. A team of students at the University of Central Florida (UCF) (Orlando, Florida) led a partnership between UCF Student Government, the UCF Office of Sustainability Initiatives, and UCF Landscaping and Natural Resources to host a series of events aimed at empowering the […]
Universities Fighting World Hunger Virtual Summit
Register here. The event is free of charge. The University of California, Davis’ World Food Center will co-host the virtual student summit 2021 of Universities Fighting World Hunger (UFWH) alongside the University of California Global Food Initiative and the Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources in partnership with the […]
Behavioral Strategies to Ditch Desktop Printers
Replacing individual desktop printers with shared ‘multi-function’ printers (MFPs) is one of the most impactful ways campuses can reduce paper use. It also generates a suite of other benefits, including cost savings on paper, energy, ink/toner, increased security, and reduced demand on IT staff time. Drawing on AASHE and Root Solution’s recent publication, Ditching Desktop Printers: […]
Solar Spark Collegiate Conference
Solar Spark is a virtual collegiate conference filled with thought leadership on environmental equity and sustainability created by students and for students! You’ll have the opportunity to connect with experts, employers, and peers through an online collegiate community experience. Special optional environmental arts and culture activities often open and close the days. Learning from luminaries […]
Let’s Talk Soil: A Panel Discussion with Professor Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
REGISTER HERE In celebration of Earth Month, join the University of California, Merced for a discussion with Professor Asmeret Asefaw Berhe. Bio: Professor Asmeret Asefaw Berhe is a Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry, and Falasco Chair in Earth Sciences at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Merced. She is also […]
Navigating a Low-Waste Lifestyle During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Creating less waste has become even harder for individuals due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. With necessary regulations to protect public health and safety, come some unavoidable consequences of more waste. But in your efforts to stay at home more, is there anything you can do to reduce your waste footprint? Find out more from […]
American Organics Virtual Facility Tour
Do you wonder what happens to the compostables once picked up from UCLA? All of these materials are hauled to Athens Services' American Organics Facility in Victorville, where items are screened, sorted, and processed. Hear from Robert Phillips, Director of Organics, as he provides a virtual tour of the facility and ask any questions about […]
Leadership Development in Neurosurgery: How do we promote skills and diversity? – One Woman’s Journey
In 2005, Dr. Muraszko became the Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Michigan, the first woman to chair an academic neurosurgery department in the United States. Dr. Muraszko specializes in pediatric neurosurgery and belongs to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS). Her areas of research interests […]
Global Innovations in Waste Management Panel
The Global Innovations in Waste Management Research Panel is a day to explore creative innovations in how we deal with our trash around the world. This casual, yet professional networking event allows students and professionals to participate in intimate discussions about unique approaches to waste management. It is split into three parts: a panelist introduction, […]
Plastics: The Last Straw for Big Oil?
Join us on Thursday, April 8 for a webinar discussing Plastics: The Last Straw for Big Oil?, a report addressing the risks of overinvestment in plastics infrastructure. We will provide a brief overview of the report and hear from subject matter experts on the issues of stranded assets, climate risks, environmental justice, community health, plastic […]
Medical Waste and Health Equity Panel
Medical Aid Initiative at UCLA is hosting a Health Equity and Medical Waste panel which seeks to raise awareness about sustainability in medicine and help students learn more about the various professions that promote health equity. With the ongoing pandemic magnifying critical gaps in health and the rapid increase in medical waste across the world, […]
Organic Landscaping Panel
Curious about organic landscaping? Come join us for a conversation with experts in the field about how we can better manage our lands for a safer, healthier, and more equitable environment. REGISTER HERE Panelists Andy Shrader, Director of Environmental Affairs, Water Policy, & Sustainability for Council District Five Kathleen Craig, Account Manager, Brightview Landscape Services […]
Environmental Justice and Activism Community Conversations
At Zero Waste UCLA (a division of UCLA Sustainability), one of our main goals is to diversify our narrative in regards to sustainability practices across the board. We want to acknowledge the greenwashing and whitewashing of the zero waste movement and collaborate with different clubs around campus to create a space for everyone's voices to […]
Ursus Environmental Symposium: Ballona Wetlands and the Future of Southern California Coastal Conservation
With almost all of Southern California’s coastal wetlands degraded or destroyed by development, and a need to provide the public with more opportunities to enjoy nature, the proposed restoration of Los Angeles’ Ballona Wetlands would appear to be a goal laudable to conservationists, and a potential model for similar efforts elsewhere in the State. However, […]
Climate Justice in the US: The Search for Equity
This panel will examine efforts to address climate change at the national level through the lenses of environmental justice and human rights, looking especially at efforts to push for equity in climate policy. Panelists will discuss how national climate change initiatives can or should simultaneously advance efforts for racial and economic equity and other human […]
Converging Threats, Cascading Health Risks: Climate Change, Food Security, and Migration
This is the second session of the series: Converging Threats, Cascading Health Risks: Climate Change, Food Security, and Migration. Climate change is anticipated to unleash unprecedented threats to global food security and to drive the largest wave of human migration in history. This session will evaluate the intersection of climate change with the social determinants […]
Waste Not Want Not Kitchen
Does composting stink? Is there an alternative to non-stick? Do you really need all those paper towels? Join Friday Apaliski, Sustainability Concierge, live from her own kitchen as she shares her favorite tips and tricks for reducing waste, lowering toxins and sourcing sustainable alternatives for everything in, on and around your own kitchen. After six […]
Student Leadership Institute for Climate Resilience (SLICR)
The Student Leadership Institute for Climate Resilience (SLICR) at UCLA is a weekend-long program that provides undergraduate and graduate students with the opportunity to expand upon their knowledge of environmental, social, and economic sustainability and provide them with the knowledge and skills to turn their passions into action. SLICR is designed to enable students to […]