There are many ways to get involved with sustainability at UCLA. As staff and faculty, we all contribute to UCLA’s footprint, and we can all make a difference by making changes in our offices and labs.
- You can participate in our Green Office Program, which will give you simple tips for how you can save green while going green in your department.
- Purchase environmentally preferable office supplies using the UCLA Sustainable Office Purchasing Guide.
- For more sustainable purchasing tips visit UCLA Purchasing Green Tips.
- Certify events through the UCLA Green Events Certification Program.
- You can also serve on one of our sustainability committees or taskforces and help us create programs and implement our sustainability policies. Contact UCLA Sustainability for more information.
If you are a faculty member, you can also make a difference by integrating sustainability into your courses.
UCLA offered a workshop for faculty on integrating sustainability into the curriculum, and AASHE, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, has some great resources on sustainability in the curriculum. UCLA is a member institution, and you can access the members-only areas of their site by creating an account using your “” email. If you are already teaching courses or doing research on sustainability, please let us know so we can make sure you are included in our faculty list, course list, and list of research centers.