Housing & Hospitality team members play an important role in our efforts to become more sustainable; but in order for team members to be champions of those efforts they must have the knowledge and tools.
New team members participate in an onboarding orientation session to learn about what sustainability means, why it’s important in Housing & Hospitality, initiatives we promote, and what they can do within their own departments.

Purchasing Recommendations
Housing & Hospitality aligns its purchases with campus-wide purchasing standards for green products. These resources below provide buying recommendations for purchasers in our departments. If your department purchases directly from Office Depot you can also check out our Sustainable Purchasing Guide.

Furniture with Forest Stewardship Council Certified Wood
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards represent the world’s strongest system for guiding forest management toward sustainable outcomes. Buying furniture with FSC certified wood helps ensure that the wood used for the furniture was produced in a sustainable way.

Non-Toxic, Biodegradable Cleaners with Green Seal
Green Seal Certified Cleaning Products
You don’t have to harm the environment in order to keep your office clean. There are many environmentally friendly cleaners. Green Seal is a non-profit organization devoted to environmental standard setting and certification. There mission is to work towards environmental sustainability by identifying and promoting environmentally responsible products, purchasing, and production.

High Percentage Recycled Content
There are hundreds of office products offered on Bruinbuy that have recycled content. Check out our list of environmentally preferred office products in our Green Office Catalog. All these products meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG).

Compostable or Recyclable Consumables
If you need disposable plates, cups, and cutlery for various office events choose products that have a lower impact when disposed. Compostable plates, cups, and cutlery are generally made from renewable resources such as corn or potatoes. If you chose plastic, make sure it is recyclable.

Efficient ENERGY STAR Appliances
ENERGY STAR certified equipment uses less energy when in operation and when turned off. Replace old computers and appliances with ENERGY STAR certified equipment.