The Role of Preferential Sampling
Geology Building 4660Sponsored by UCLA Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics and the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. Abstract: The notion of preferential sampling was introduced into the literature in the seminal paper of Diggle et al. (2010) Subsequently, there has been considerable follow-up research. A standard illustration arises in geostatistical modeling. Consider the objective of […]
Sustainable Transportation Month: Outreach and giveaways
Trimana Café at the Wilshire CenterSustainable Transportation Fair
Bruin Plaza 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesSurplus Stop “Yard Sale” & Refillery
Bruin Plaza 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesJoin us at Bruin Plaza and check out some of the available items from the Surplus Stop! We will bring a variety of items from the Surplus Stop and lay them out on tables - students and staff will be able to browse and take things for free, as well as donate items. We'll also […]
Climate Research Symposium: Understanding risks to Los Angeles’ changing climate
Join researchers from UCLA and USC as they share the outcomes of their investigations into our changing climate in Los Angeles. Speakers: Alex Hall: LA Aqueduct System Climate Change Study Update & Reducing Uncertainties in Los Angeles Aqueduct Sensitivity to Climate Risks Greg Pierce: Valuing the Resiliency Benefits of the Hyperion Reuse and Groundwater Development […]
Energy Jobs Fair
Kerckhoff Grand Salon 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesAn annual career fair that gives students the opportunity to network with industry professionals and potentially find jobs and internships. Feel free to stop in anytime during the event to learn more about the various companies and the jobs they offer! More information will be released as we get closer to the event but companies […]
Join us for a participatory CULTIVATE LA community event presented by LIGHT CoCreative and SoLa Impact on Sunday, October 23 at The Beehive in South LA from 10am ~ 4pm PT. This immersive experience will include: Community cookout Microfarm/garden installation Learning kitchen Educational experiences Special guest speakers Public art Live music We welcome the entire community to join us for a day of […]
Sunset Village 330 De Neve Drive, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesSustainival is UCLA’s largest sustainability fair which aims to foster a sustainability minded campus by encouraging and educating the UCLA community about sustainable practices that they can incorporate into their everyday lives. This fair is a great opportunity for individuals to get involved with student organizations, and other community organizations offering volunteer, internship, and job […]
First Hand Account of the Enactment of the 1972 Clean Water Act
UCLA Law School, Room 1430 385 Charles E Young Dr E, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesThe Clean Water Act Celebrates 50 Years After the failure of five earlier federal laws and worsening water pollution across the nation, Congress, in 1972 and over the Presidents veto, enacted the Clean Water Act PL 92-500. The Clean Water Act fundamentally reoriented the regulatory approach to water pollution control. The fact that now, 50 […]
The Story of Plastic: Film Screening & Expert Panel
Bruin Viewpoint Room Ackerman Union at UCLA, 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesPlease join ASUCLA, Science Policy Group @ UCLA and California State Senator Ben Allen for a special screening of the award-winning documentary The Story of Plastic, followed by an expert panel discussion on the future of plastic pollution in California and beyond! Panelists will include: Senator Ben Allen, author of SB 54, the strongest anti-plastic […]
Realizing Park Equity: Improving How Federal Funds Reach Communities That Can Most Benefit
To expand access to parks nationwide, the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program funds green spaces in low-income, urban communities. While the program has supported important projects throughout the country, program benefits could be more fully realized. For instance, millions of grant dollars have been left on the table in recent years. Since funding for […]
Counting Carbons in our Effort for Cleaner Air in LA
OnlineEvery year, the global economy produces 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions, pushing our planet toward irreversible climate tipping points. Learn how LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN) is leading the City to evaluate the biggest levers to reduce carbon and other climate-warming emissions through converting our fleets toward electrification and other necessary measures. REGISTER […]
Elemental Cartographies in an Era of Climate Change
Charles E. Young Research Library, Presentation Room 11348 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesIn this talk, Candace Fujikane begins with arguments from her recent book, Mapping Abundance for a Planetary Future: Kanaka Maoli and Critical Settler Cartographies in Hawaiʻi, contending that global climate change events are not apocalyptic but rather are bringing about the demise of capitalist economies of scarcity, making way for Indigenous economies of abundance. She […]
“Imagining and Reflecting on Partnerships” — A Pritzker Genius Award gathering
E3 General Meeting
Bruin Viewpoint Room Ackerman Union at UCLA, 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesCome join us this week, Thursday November 10th from 5-6pm in the Ackerman Viewpoint Ballroom for our general meeting. This meeting will be hosted by our amazing Fair Trade Campaign to discuss the equity issues within the farming industry. Everyone is welcome to join, even if it's your first time.
Re-envisioning Plastics in Combating Climate Change
OnlineThe world economy has huge impacts to how waste is managed. Learn how Environment Engineers respond to rethink how we can continue to reduce and reuse plastics throughout LA’s Departments and establish new methods and policies for businesses and residents and the infrastructure to support it. REGISTER HERE
Paya: The Water Story of the Paiute
HYBRID: UCLA School of Law and ZoomThis film tells the story of America's long-lived and ongoing water war between the Owens Valley Paiute people and the City of Los Angeles. Paya documents the history of the Owens Valley Paiute who constructed and managed intricate irrigation systems for millennia, long before Los Angeles diverted the Owens River through the Los Angeles Aqueduct, […]
Housing As a Climate Strategy – A Virtual Roundtable Event
OnlineIn the face of converging climate and housing crises, we have the opportunity to pursue strategies that achieve housing and climate goals simultaneously. Building housing-rich, walkable neighborhoods in transportation-efficient areas is a climate smart solution. It can help reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas emissions, support sustainable land use, and preserve open space […]
Upcycling Workshop
UCLA Makerspace Olympic Hall, 267 De Neve Dr, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesIn collaboration with Makerspace, Zero Waste UCLA will be hosting a workshop on how to upcycle used or unwanted items. We'll have supplies from our Refillery to provide attendees an opportunity to refil personal hygiene and cleaning products. Don't forget to bring your own containers! We'll also accept donations of clean containers, such as jars, […]
Climate Change and Technological Responses: A Conversation with Oliver Morton on Recent Developments
UCLA Law School, Room 1430 385 Charles E Young Dr E, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesJoin Oliver Morton, senior editor at The Economist, in conversation with Professor Ted Parson about recent developments in efforts to employ technology to reduce the risks of climate change. Global temperatures are on track to exceed the targets adopted in the Paris Agreement, and the world's efforts to keep to within those limits remain anemic. […]