Landscape Architecture and the Science of Climate Change
The Department of Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona hosts a series of monthly presentations on the science of climate change and landscape architecture solutions. Join the event during your […]
Saving the Silversword: Native Species & Colonialism in Hawai’i
La Kretz Garden Pavilion 707 Tiverton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesThe Haleakalā silversword (or ‘ahinahina in Hawaiian) is one of the most striking and rare plants in Hawai‘i. Learn how efforts to save this plant have sparked a movement to […]
Surplus Stop Move Out
Did you know that the average college student creates 640 pounds of trash annually, the majority of which accumulates at move-out? From clothes, to books, to food, to furniture, many […]
“Eating Our Way to Extinction” Virtual Screening
Eating Our Way To Extinction takes audiences on a cinematic journey around the world, from the depths of the Amazon rainforests to the Taiwanese Mountains, the Mongolian desert, the US Dust […]
Protecting the Amazon Rainforest: Averting the Ecological Tipping Point
Hammer MuseumIndigenous leaders and artists lead a conversation on the global significance of the Amazon biome by highlighting how California’s oil imports affect the future of the Amazon rainforest and calling […]
From Pandemic to Endemic: Lessons Learned & Future Directions
Please join us for our final pod meeting of the academic year in a discussion facilitated by Dr. Nicole Green (Executive Director of UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services) on the topic: From Pandemic […]
Emissions Trading in California: Lessons for China
As countries and subnational jurisdictions begin to orient their climate change policies toward mid-century carbon neutrality goals, market measures have taken a prominent role in many emissions-reductions plans. However, much […]
2022 Sustainability Virtual Summit
The International Urban Sustainability Student Corps (IUSSC) is an interdisciplinary club at UCLA that participates in student-led sustainability passion projects. IUSSC hosts an annual sustainability summit with an international university/organization […]
Los Angeles Business Council Sustainability Summit
University of Southern California, Town & Gown 665 W Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesNet Zero Conference 2022
Los Angeles Convention Center 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesAnderson Forecast: Climate Change Business Implications
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. PT In-Person | Online Webinar LIMITED WEBINAR REGISTRATION (YOUTUBE ONLY): FREE Important: Attendance is limited. Online registration closes 12:00pm, 9/20/2022. More Information […]
People, Food, & Climate: Thinking Holistically about What We Eat
UCLA CNSI Auditorium 570 Westwood Plaza, , Los Angeles, CA 90095Sustainable Transportation Month- Outreach and giveaways
Lu Valle Commons 398 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesSustainable Transportation Month- Outreach and giveaways
Reagan Medical CenterThe Role of Preferential Sampling
Geology Building 4660Sponsored by UCLA Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics and the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. Abstract: The notion of preferential sampling was introduced into the literature in the […]
Sustainable Transportation Month: Outreach and giveaways
Trimana Café at the Wilshire CenterSustainable Transportation Fair
Bruin Plaza 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesSurplus Stop “Yard Sale” & Refillery
Bruin Plaza 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesJoin us at Bruin Plaza and check out some of the available items from the Surplus Stop! We will bring a variety of items from the Surplus Stop and lay […]
Climate Research Symposium: Understanding risks to Los Angeles’ changing climate
Join researchers from UCLA and USC as they share the outcomes of their investigations into our changing climate in Los Angeles. Speakers: Alex Hall: LA Aqueduct System Climate Change Study […]
Energy Jobs Fair
Kerckhoff Grand Salon 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesAn annual career fair that gives students the opportunity to network with industry professionals and potentially find jobs and internships. Feel free to stop in anytime during the event to […]