Free Graduate Student Farmers Market

Weyburn Terrace Grill Area 3G7X+4H, Los Angeles, United States

Graduate students are invited to join the farmers market for free seasonal fruits, veggies and herbs! First come, first serve, while supplies last.

Eyes in the Sky, Birds in the Heart and Mind – Introduction

Experimental Digital Arts, UCLA Broad Art Center 240 Charles E. Young Dr. N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Counterforce Lab's new lecture series inaugural session: introduction with the Counterforce Lab Team. Admission is free, and refreshments/snacks will be served. Eyes in the Sky, Birds in the Heart […]

How to Make Your Job a Climate Job


We need millions of people working on climate to address the demands of the climate crisis. In the next ten years, we can expect 100 million people to transition their […]

ACWA General Meeting

Ackerman Union 2410 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

ACWA at UCLA is a new club on campus that facilitates learning about issues surrounding clean water both in the United States and beyond. The club does this through both […]

Nonprofit Networking Night

UCLA Covel Commons, Grand Horizon Room 330 De Neve Dr, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Hosted by the UCLA Volunteer Center, Community Service Commission, Residential Life, and Student Affairs, Nonprofit Networking Night is an opportunity for nonprofit organizations to speak to qualified UCLA students regarding […]

Accelerating New California Water Storage Projects


Record-breaking storms dropped enough water on California to cover the entire state in about eight inches of water. But very little of it was captured or stored, a missed opportunity […]

LA Green Jobs – Virtual Career Fair


Hello, green job seekers! It's the top of the New Year and we would like for you to join us for our LA Green Jobs - Virtual Career Fair brought […]

Briefing on the Sea Grant DDT+ Research Needs Assessment


You’re invited to an Ocean Science Trust briefing in partnership with California Sea Grant and USC Sea Grant to discuss the recently released report, A Deep Ocean DDT+ Research Needs […]

Deloitte Digital Sustainability Panel Discussion

USC Popovich Hall - JKP Suite 300, Dean's Boardroom, 3rd Floor, 611 W. Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Deloitte Digital and hear from industry experts from Delta, Hewlett Packard, Logitech, USC, UCLA, and Deloitte on the latest trends and innovations that are shaping the future of sustainable […]

Free Graduate Student Farmers Market

Weyburn Terrace Grill Area 3G7X+4H, Los Angeles, United States

Graduate students are invited to join the farmers market for free seasonal fruits, veggies and herbs! First come, first serve, while supplies last.

Drones, remote sensing, and kelp forests in the California Bight

Experimental Digital Arts, UCLA Broad Art Center 240 Charles E. Young Dr. N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Drones, remote sensing, and kelp forests in the California Bight with Kate Cavanaugh (UCLA Geography) Admission is free, and refreshments/snacks will be served. Eyes in the Sky, Birds in the […]

UCLA Activist-in-Residence Welcome Reception

UCLA Perloff Hall, DeCafe 365 Portola Plaza, Room 1302, Los Angeles, CA, United States

With a shared commitment to “turn the university inside out” and invite artists, community organizers, and movement leaders to undertake power-shifting scholarship and pedagogy focused on social change, the UCLA […]

The Common Experience: Upcycle Fair

Sunset Village 330 De Neve Drive, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Common Experience invites you to attend our inaugural Upcycle Fair! Join us as we gather well-loved, secondhand clothing pieces and breathe new life into them. You will have an […]